USA and Pacifists — War on the Horizon!

What is happening in the Land of the Free?

Edoardo Maria Montagna
2 min read5 days ago

The front pages of newspapers have been flooded with photos and articles about the pro-Palestine protests that are throwing American universities into turmoil, all accompanied by testimonies of the brutal police charges to disperse the demonstrators.

Setting aside some objectively ridiculous statements from the protesters, whose indecency is so evident that they speak for themselves, like the one from the young man who declared himself willing to arrange a meeting between God and the Zionists, the pressing issue is understanding the direction the protest will take. Judging by past events, it will not be a painless path for the protesters.

It is well known that American universities are frequented more by moderates and progressives, and it is also known that in the Stars and Stripes country, “school shooters” are treated with more leniency than socialists and communists; just consider that a university ID is not accepted to vote in one’s precinct, but a gun permit is more than acceptable.

In light of this, it is not hard to piece together the puzzle and imagine that the sequel to the “Trial of the Chicago 7” is ready to go on stage to show, in case anyone missed it, the darkest side of a “Country ruled by law.”

It is important to emphasize that rights must always find a balance between opposing interests, but these interests must be sought in the prerogatives of the people as a pillar of the democratic system. To put it more simply: those interests must be other rights.

In the case at hand: these protests must be condemned and legitimately repressed if they conflict with other legitimate interests, such as public order or decency, not based on selfish interests even if they align with common sentiment (like reactionary trends in the geopolitical field) or economic interests, as has been done so far. Statements like the one mentioned above must necessarily be deplored, nor should we tolerate unprecedented violence against those who stand up for their ideas.



Edoardo Maria Montagna

Law student at LUISS Guido Carli in Rome; passione writer: my aim is to investigate consciousness, morality, justice, life to elevate people from materialism